Date: 09.12.2021
In accordance with the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly of 2003 November 21, since 2004 December 9 has been celebrated as the International Day against Corruption.
On December 9, 2003, in the city of Merida (Mexico), at the initiative of the United Nations, the International Convention against Corruption was signed.
The resolution of the General Assembly states that the purpose of establishing this day is to understand the essence of the problem of corruption and to fight and prevent corruption.
In particular, in the Agency for Space Research and Technology under the Cabinet of Ministers, in connection with “December 9 - World Anti-Corruption Day”, propaganda work was carried out among employees.
It is important to understand that corruption is a special type of illegal activity directed against the interests of society, public authorities; it consists in the conspiracy of the official and the citizen (customer), reaching mutual agreement. The material and non-material benefits received from it are illegal, and an immoral social environment is created around them.
The forms of corruption are diverse, but the consequences of corruption have a negative impact on the economic and social development of any country.
Therefore, today in the fight against corruption, special attention is paid to the formation of anti-corruption legal consciousness in society.
Information Service