Today, the coordination of international cooperation is one of the main priorities of the Uzbekspace agency. This provides unique opportunities for the exchange of experience, advanced technologies, and knowledge with leading space agencies and companies around the world. Active cooperation with the world community helps to strengthen the reputation and enhance the prestige of the Agency and the Republic of Uzbekistan in the eyes of the international community.
Cooperation with international organizations
The Uzbekspace agency actively participates in the work of international organizations and has membership in prestigious space structures. It includes:
The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) is a special UN committee whose main tasks are to review international cooperation and study measures for the implementation of programs for the peaceful use of outer space, as well as the study of legal problems arising in the exploration of outer space. Currently, 102 states are members of COPUOS. In addition, 41 international organizations have observer status to the Committee and its subcommittees.
Since 2022, Uzbekistan has been a member of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The Uzbekspace agency has been appointed as an authorized body and actively participates in the meetings of the Committee.
The membership of the Uzbekspace agency in the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space provides significant benefits, including the opportunity to actively participate in international discussions and projects, exchange experience with space agencies from various countries, access to expertise and support, participation in the development of international rules and guidelines for space activities, as well as representing interests and positions on the world stage.
ESCAP is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations, covering the largest area and having the largest population. It was established on March 28, 1947. ESCAP includes 53 voting countries, including eight CIS countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), as well as 9 territories that do not yet have full political independence, but have the status of associate members with the right to consultative vote.
The Commission is called upon to assist the socio-economic development of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region through the enhancement of regional and subregional cooperation, as well as by providing a variety of advisory and technical assistance, focusing on direct advice to government bodies, generalization of regional experience and information through meetings, publications and the organization of transnational communication networks.
The Uzbekspace agency is an active participant in the Economic and Social Commission of the Asia-Pacific Region (ESCAP) and actively interacts within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Action Plan on the Application of Space Technologies in the Field of Sustainable Development for 2018-2030. The Agency successfully promotes and enriches the practical implementation of this plan, which contributes to progress and well-being not only in the regional context, but also at the global level.
The Organization of Turkic States is an international organization established on October 3, 2009 under the name "Turkic Council". The organization unites modern states for the purpose of comprehensive cooperation between the Turkic peoples.
The Uzbekspace agency actively participates in meetings of space agencies and departments within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. Such participation contributes to the exchange of experience, discussion of joint projects and initiatives, and also contributes to the strengthening of friendly ties with other Turkic countries.
The Interstate Council on Outer Space was established to develop cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes and to coordinate the interaction of the member states of the Agreement on the implementation of joint activities of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
The Uzbekspace agency is a member of the Interstate Space Council of the CIS and fulfills the obligations specified by the documents relating to the space industry within the CIS, ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Cooperation with foreign agencies and companies
The Agency conducts bilateral cooperation with the world’s leading space technology companies such as Airbus (France), Maxar (USA), SpaceX (USA), OneWeb (UK), SSI Monaco (Monaco), Synspective (Japan), Esri (USA), BlackSky (USA), SpaceBuzz (USA) and others, with the state space agencies of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos), Turkey (TUA), United Arab Emirates (UAE Space Agency), Kazakhstan (Aerospace Committee), France ( CNES), USA (NASA), China (CNSA), Israel (ISA), Malaysia (MYSA), Thailand (NSTDA), Japan (JAXA).
Cooperation with leading foreign companies and space technology agencies provides access to advanced technologies, innovations and experiences, creates an opportunity for training personnel at the international level, the possibility of implementing larger projects, reducing costs and risks, strengthening the international status of the Agency and joint scientific research to expand the space capabilities of Uzbekistan.
Memorandums and bilateral agreements
The Uzbekspace agency has signed a number of Memorandums of Understanding with the Azerbaijan Space Agency (Azercosmos), the Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (SUPARCO), the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), with such companies as Airbus, OneWeb, Maxar, Voyager, SpaceBuzz.
There is also active cooperation with foreign universities in the field of education in space technologies. Memorandums of Understanding were signed with the University of Padua (Italy) and the Moscow Aviation Institute (Russia). This contributes to the exchange of experience and advanced knowledge, which contributes to improving the quality of education and training of specialists in the space sector.
Cooperation at the intergovernmental level
International cooperation is also developing at the intergovernmental level. To develop cooperation in the field of space, several agreements were signed between governments, namely:
а. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of India on cooperation in the field of outer space exploration and its use for peaceful purposes;
b. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes;
c. Framework agreement between the Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Center for Space Research of the French Republic on cooperation in the space sector.
International conferences
Under the initiative of the Uzbekspace agency, two major international conferences Space Technology Conference 2022 and Space Technology Conference 2023 dedicated to space technologies were held in Tashkent in 2022 and 2023. It should be noted that events of this kind were held for the first time in Central Eurasia and became a large-scale project in the region.
These space technology events brought together national space agencies from all over Central Eurasia and the international space community to discuss the role of the space and satellite business in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the region. The conferences provided a platform to meet, exchange views and discuss market trends and future prospects in this critical industry.